Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions shall govern the relationship between LCMT London, hereinafter referred to as “the institution,” and the student. By accepting an offer to study at the institution and by completing the process of registration and enrolment, the institution and the student agree to abide by the terms of this agreement. By enrolling in any of our online courses, you confirm the acceptance of all Terms & Conditions.

1. Online Course Access and Use
  • Access to online course materials will be provided upon successful enrolment and
  • The student is responsible for ensuring they have the necessary technology and internet access to participate in the online courses.

2. Prohibited Conduct
  • Mobile phones and other distractions should be minimised during online Eating/drinking is discouraged during live sessions.
  • Students must handle all virtual learning platforms and materials with
  • Discriminatory comments or remarks regarding political belief, race, ethnicity, origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, language, disability, and religion are strictly prohibited during any course-related

3. Assessment and Results
  • The student shall have the right to obtain the assessment results upon completing the necessary assessment requirements of the programme, provided all obligations are

4. Information Updates
  • The student must inform the institution of any changes to their academic or personal information provided during admission, registration, or enrolment as soon as reasonably

5. Fee Payment
  • Students are encouraged to pay their tuition fees in full upfront. For those opting to pay their fees periodically, they must adhere to the agreed payment terms. Failure to settle periodic due payments will result in students being unable to continue their studies until payment is It is in the student’s interest to ensure that payment dates and terms are fully adhered to.

6. Refund Policy
  • The institution has a strict no-refund policy once access to the course materials has been Exceptions may only be made in compliance with UK consumer protection laws. If you purchase an online course and have accessed, downloaded, or started using the course materials, you are not eligible for a refund.

7. Cancellation Policy
  • The institution reserves the right to cancel or vary the course and its content at any time. In such cases, students will be notified, and alternative arrangements or refunds will be provided as applicable.

8. Data Protection and Privacy
  • LCMT London will hold personal data on its database for administrative and marketing This information may be accessed, reviewed, and used by the designated staff within the institution.
  • The personal information provided will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK Certain information may be forwarded to relevant UK government bodies for statistical purposes.

9. Intellectual Property
  • All course materials provided by LCMT London are protected by intellectual property laws. Students are granted a limited, non-transferable licence to use the materials for their personal learning Copying, sharing, or distributing these materials without permission is prohibited.

10. Awarding Bodies
  • Our courses are accredited by recognised awarding bodies, ensuring that the qualifications you receive are respected and valued in your professional

11. Governing Law
  • These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Any disputes arising under or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

For further information or any queries regarding these terms, please contact us at info@lcmtlondon.com